Project Name: Train to Gain
Donor: USAID / IYF
Duration: 2012 – 2013
Target Beneficiaries: youth and women ages between (17 – 35 years old)
Targeted Areas: Tulkarem, Qalqilia, and Nablus governorates
Sector: Employment Services, Capacity Building, Career Counselling
Budget: $ 120,000
About the Project:
The project aims to contribute to the reduction of the unemployment rate among Palestinian Youth of Tulkarem, Qalqilya, and Nablus governorates in the northern west-bank through enhancement of skills and real workplace environment exposure. This objective should be achieved through:
- To increase employability skills of 250 youth by providing them with 20 hrs. of Life-skills training (based on the IYF Passport to Success Topics & Manual),
- To increase the employability skills of 100 youth by providing them with 20 hours of cross-cutting skills training based on the needs of youth and employers,
- To provide practical on the job training opportunities for 50 youth (out of the above 100) through a structured and meaningful internship program,
- 20 youth (out of 100 youth) have their business incubated with the oversight from PICTI (Palestinian Information and Communication Technology Incubator),